Google Sheets containing all publicly available specifications for SEM's currently being sold in the USA.
Please contact for corrections or updates.
Electron Microscope Specification Guide
Tabletop SEM's
Visit the Google Sheet directly here.
Current Tabletop SEM vendors in the USA:​
COXEM via JH Technologies
Hitachi High-Tech via Angstrom Scientific (East Coast), or Marine Reef International
SEC via Nanoimages
What is this?
This is data for your own use when looking to purchase an electron microscope. I DO NOT sell anything here.
I do my best to keep this up to date, but things are always changing. I can't guarantee 100% accuracy with everything.
If you have questions about a specification, please contact the vendor directly.
Tungsten SEM's
Visit the Google Sheet directly here.
Current Tungsten-sourced SEM vendors in the USA:​
Visit the Google Sheet directly here.
Current Field Emission Sourced SEM vendors in the USA:​