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My Work

Here are some examples of video production and training materials I've produced. While my style leans into the quick and dirty YouTube style of things, I'm willing to work with you to craft something specific for your brand or product.


Check out my YouTube channel for more! 

  • YouTube

Purchase Prints

If you like the images on this page, click the image to check out my Darkroom gallery to purchase prints!

colorized pollen

How to buy an electron microscope

This is a series of videos I've put together to help buyers of electron microscopes to understand what they're getting into and common pitfalls to avoid.

Instructional Videos

Simple straight-forward explanations are important for customers. Making dry technical information interesting and engaging is very difficult to do, but this is what I try to do with my videos.


Short videos can transmit a lot of information quickly and are easy for viewers to  digest and share!


Reaction videos have been popular for a while now, and I react to electron microscopes as they appear in movies and TV shows. 

Con Vids

Short interviews with vendors at microscopy related conventions to give people in the community an update on new products and services.

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